Auto Insurance is meant to protect you in the event that you become liable for damages to another party, whether it’s to their car or their own health. It can also provide protection towards your own vehicle in the event that it becomes damaged and want to get it fix. It can even protect you from damages arising from uninsured motorist.
HOME OWNER Homeowner’s insurance provides financial protection against disasters. Homeowners insurance is a package policy. This means that it covers both damage to your property and your liability or legal responsibility for any injuries and property damage you or members of your family cause to other people. This includes damage caused by household pets. Damage caused by most disasters are covered but there are exceptions. The most significant are damage caused by floods, earthquakes and poor maintenance.
Business insurance policies offer coverage for property damage, legal liability and employee-related risks. Our agency offers a variety of Business Insurance to protect your business, your employees, and of course yourself. We offer general liability, worker’s compensation, one-time event policies, and much more.
Business partners are essential for Ozzy Auto Insurance's success. They bring expertise, resources, and a wider customer base. Collaborating with trusted partners ensures innovative solutions, efficient operations, and mutual growth, driving our mission forward.